Thursday, May 31, 2007

Jon's hand - may not be suitable for kids. I'm just guessing.

Since he broke it AGAIN, I'm a little less grossed out by it so I figured I'd share some pictures. He was told to make an OK sign with his hand in the first X-ray. The various X-rays show different angles of his hand, the two metal plates (one broken) and the screws that are holding them in place. His doctor doesn't know how he did it but if you look closely, the plate snapped in half. It's a METAL plate, for crap's sake! So, although I think my boyfriend is awfully strong and manly, I think it was a faulty plate.

I know that this is a minor surgery in comparison to what other people go through but doesn't that seem like a lot of screws??

See that sharp part of the plate jutting out? We think that's why the swelling didn't go down. Ick.

Anyhow, Jon's hand is still wrapped so I don't have the latest picture but I'm pretty sure it looks quite similar to this picture. This is a picture of what his hand looked like the first time he broke it.

I wouldn't let him near me because it gave me the heebeegeebies. He looked like Frankenstein. It was also very puffy. In fact, when the staples were taken out, his hand kind of looked like a baseball- round with stitch marks.

I feel bad for him. This sucks. He's not allowed to use it for three months and the Vicodin makes him dizzy. But, thankfully, he is able to still work.

I can't help notice, though, the joy he tries to surpress when he tells me he cannot take out the trash, help clean the kitchen or mop the floors - all of his chores. That is when I really hate that his hand is broken. Again. And out of commission for another three months.

But hey, this is about him! And how this sucks for him! And how I need to be supportive because it's no picnic in the park for him! Of course, it's no picnic for me, either. A lot more like sand in the panties - pretty annoying and incredibly uncomfortable. Oh, well. That's what love is all about. Not the sand piece but the supportive part.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Okay, I hardly ever get tagged for chain whatchamahoos, and then today I got tagged by a stranger (yet fellow knitty head) named V. Here goes -

The rules: Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog their own 7 random facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven other people and list their names on your blog. Then you leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

7 Random Facts:
1. I can talk about vaginas and penises all day long but will easily vomit if the topic is about poo. I have my limits. Poo is my limit.
2. I'm bad about keeping in touch or just keeping friends, in general. It's horrible. I'm not good about staying in contact with a person if he/she isn't good about it, as well. I have a low tolerance for crap, to boot. No wonder I'm friendly, I have to constantly replenish!
3. My favorite flower used to be a sterling silver (lavender colored) rose. It was the flower I picked for my prom corsage and I loved it so much. But then I gained an appreciation and affection for cymbidium orchids. My dad grows them in almost every color available and I think they are beautiful.
4. I've been a size 2. I've also been a size 9. For a bridesmaid dress, I think I've been a size 12. But those sizes are just jacked up, in general.
5. I hated my hair when it was short. I chopped it off after my high school graduation. I got my heart broken and made the brillian decision to hack off my hair. I guess it was freeing. It was also ass ugly. I looked like a mushroom top (my hair has a lot of volume.) Or a UFO.
6. The prettiest I ever felt - that I can remember - was during my graduation for my M.A. program. I was just so happy to be done and I think it really showed in my pictures. I wasn't even my thinnest! But I liked almost all the photographs from that day. I guess true joy (and relief) can really show through.
7. I'm better at Power Yoga than I am in Hula. I wish it was reversed. It's just more impressive to be able to dance a hula rather than do a headstand. Except after 10 cocktails. Then I think it's a draw.

My advanced apologies to the following individuals (who will hopefully stay friends with me considering my #2 fact) -
Couch Potato
She is Kim
Two Lips
I swear, it's not that painful and it's kind of fun. Really.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

As promised, Bay to Breakers pics (not kid friendly)

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Itty Bits and the many To Do lists

I'm picking up my parents at the airport tonight from their trip to the Philippines. I miss traveling. I want to go to P.I. Or Hawaii. Or somewhere I haven't been before - Alaska, Australia, New Zealand or China. All on my traveler's To Do list.

I'm walking (not running!) the Bay to Breakers this morning! If you don't know, it's a big To Do in the San Francisco Bay Area. As someone born and raised, I feel compelled to take this off my local To Do list.

I'm also doing it for the naked people. I'm intrigued by people who are willing to literally be balls out. Which is exactly why Jon is NOT doing it. That's OK. I'm going with my friend Marisa and she is bringing a camera. She is obviously in it for the nakeD people, too. Keep in mind that we both are aware of the fact that it is never the HoT people who run naked. Thus it's appeal.

Sister has a HUGE PART in a production which opened this weekend. I wish I could visit her and start a standing ovation for her. So if you haven't already, visit her blog and give her LOVE and support!

WW Sistas, I fear that I'm falling off the wagon. Please tell me how silly and what a waste of money that would be. (What I'm doing is, while I'm still counting points, I'm letting myself far exceed my daily/weekly allotment. Bad, bad, bad! I know it's because I know I'm missing this week's meeting due to the race. Help!

I promise to post pictures of the interesting people I see today. I don't know about the naked ones. I have to learn how to fuzz out the private parts in Photoshop.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yes, I am. And you?
Well, I'm drinking a glass of wine to take the edge off but I am still PISSED.
This asshole cop gave me a ticket today. He and his bud were busting people who changed from a right turn lane and crossed over a solid white lane.
Yes, I committed a traffic violation. So why was he an a-hole?
Sure, he was doing his job. But there is a difference betweeen just doing your job and being freakin' HAPPY, full of glee and having a GD gleam in your eye because your ticketing someone. Someone who hasn't had a blemish on her record for over seven years if you bothered to even look it up, you ASSHOLE.
I'm going to pour another glass of wine. Or three.

The house of special dogs and my shows

Poor things, they are one step away from a soft helmet. The reason why Pili has to wear the horrible collar, too, is so she doesn't lick Piko's scar. And, like a good mom, I dope up Piko AND Pili so she doesn't play too rough. Controversial, but you're not the one who woke up at 1:00 am this morning to growling and whimpering. Plus, it's only a teeny tiny sedative!
I have way too much buy in with American Idol. I was devestated when Melinda was sent home. Then, the next day, three different radio stations played the audio of when she got the boot and I got all riled up again. I've got to learn to distance myself. I have adored her since the beginning. Here's a girl who has simple looks, modest, and very talented. I would go to the AI concert but I think I would throw things at Hotpants Haley.
The Office makes me laugh and my heart hurt. All the characters are great (Jon thinks Dwight is awesome and, after he pepper sprayed Roy and then revealed his nunchucks and ninja stars, I think he loves Dwight now.) Michael reminds me of a boss I used to have so every time he does something uncomfortable, I have to hide behind Jon because it's too painful to watch! But the love story between Jim and Pam! I didn't realize that they've been stretching it out for three years now. But it's so sweet. And I remember having crushes way back when and it being that awkward and frustrating. But at least they make it funny. I absolutely love this show.
Grey's Anatomy is making a comeback! Burke ended up being the runaway bride - I did NOT see that coming! I'm still turned off by the whole Izzy/George crap storyline and Meredith and Derrick will be forever tortured but hallelujah for the show getting back on track!
Thursdays are fantastic TV nights. Jon teases me all the time and asks me if I'm ready to "Feel Thursdays" (what a dumb tag line.) But he makes us watch 24 and The Unit so I need some chick shows. It may seem like we watch a lot of TV. We kind of do. Well, during the work week and then make up for it on the weekends. Because the dogs would turn on us if we didn't.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Little bits

I came back from my work orientation totally loving the organization. I am so gung-ho that I bought paraphernalia! Can you believe I'm actually representin'? Hehehe.

Piko is going to the vet tomorrow. Wish her luck! This will be MY third attempt in trying to get HER fixed. Sheesh. Update - just dropped off Piko at the vet hospital and they told me that this doctor, a different doctor from the other attempts, prefers to keep his patients over night! My little girl has to stay there overnight! Poor Piko.

And poor Pili. She doesn't do well being seperated from Piko (we got Pili just for her, remember?) All Pili knows is to be with Piko, no matter what. Last time Piko was supposed to get fixed, my parents were able to keep her company and they said she kept pacing, looking for her sister. When my dad left the room to go upstairs, Pili went ape shit. She scaled a baby gate (which she has never done before and hasn't done after) and ran upstairs to find my dad. We think that she thought her dog pack was disappearing so she freaked out. Anyway, she will be all by her lonesome because my parents aren't here to take care of her. Well, in light of Piko being gone for the whole day and now overnight, I've decided to slip Pili a traquilizer pill. She's going to need it today!

Jon's hand is still swollen but he's back to work with the stipulation that he cannot be a working foreman (he'll do very little labor and work mainly on logistics and supervision. I think. Well, it looked good, didn't it?)

Tel is making me a new masthead! I think she feels sorry for my lack of technological creativity, bless her heart. I'm looking forward to her pimpin' my ride blog.

I've lost a total of 3.2 lbs since I've made my "lifestyle" change. "Lifestyle" my foot - it's a freakin' diet. It's a forever diet but it's a diet.

Little things make me happy.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Not too bad!

Sooooo, I had the option to share a room OR have my own but I would have to pay the difference. Maybe it's the poor in me but I didn't want to pay out of my pocket for accomodations to attend a work function.

My colleague/ roommate and I were pleasantly surprised with this room:

We could do cartwheels in our room, it's so big! We also have our own bathrooms. OUR OWN BATHROOMS! We also have a receiving area and fluffy bathrobes.

I'm so happy with our accomodations. It is suh-weeet. And confirms my belief that it's OK to think poor. In fact, it pays off!

What is also a bonus is that it's not as hot in LA as I thought it would be. We are stuck in a conference room most of the time but my company encourages healthy living therefore "healthy activities" so we had Walk and Talk discussions and they encouraged us to walk around the block a couple of times and discuss what we just learned. It was nice to be able to enjoy a little bit of sun.

What's odd is that the part of LA we are in (and don't even ask me what part because I don't know, I just know we are staying at the Wilshire Grand) seems to close at 7:00 pm. For real. We went to Macy's and Express tonight at 7:20 pm and they were both closed. What the heck?!

Oh, and my WW sistas, I'm doing BADLY. I've had pasta, souffle and all sorts of unhealthy stuff :( I've got to get back on the wagon!!

Monday, May 07, 2007


I finished my second week of Weight Watchers and I've lost a total of 2.9 lbs so far, including the .2 from last week ;) Sweet Mary, thank goodness it's working. I really hope it keeps coming off. I've got 17.1 more to go! Now I need to get a handle on a regular work-out routine.

It's hot. And tomorrow I'm leaving for somewhere hotter. I'm going to LA for a training. Where it's HELLA hot. I normally don't mind (much) when it's hot. I do mind when I have to wear work clothes and closed-toe shoes. Ick. But I like a change of scenery so I'm actually looking forward to it. Well, except for the part of waking up tomorrow at 3:00 am and taking a 6:00 pm flight. That sucks. But the next three days should be fun! I love to learn and meet new people. Plus it should be cooler when I go back home.

Go Melinda Doolittle!

Boo to Grey's Anatomy.

That's all for now.

Friday, May 04, 2007

All you princesses will appreciate this story

I love spa treatments. Obviously.
Earlier this week, after a meeting, I talked with a new colleague, letting her know that I used to work and play on the Peninsula even though I live in the East Bay. But now that I work where I live, I want to embrace my new playground. This means spas and salons. Nail, that is. I refuse to leave my hair stylist - we have eight years together.
Anyhow, my coworker said there was a spa she and her boyfriend tried in Fremont and she liked it. She warned me that it isn't as pretty as
Burke Williams but she really liked her massage. Well, pretty is as pretty does. I only like BW because of it's environment but none of the massages I've received from there were very good. She assured me that she and her boyfriend really liked their massages. But ... the layout is a little odd.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well, they have a Chinese buffet in the lobby." She replied.
"Umm, and they also take numbers in the lobby. Like a supermarket."
I told her she just had to take me there. I wanted to see it for myself.
So we immediately drove to a
Perfect Day Spa. (Check out the link for pictures. I don't think there are any of the buffet.)
The place had hard wood floors and was spacious. And yes, there was chinese food in the front lobby. And a red number dispenser prominently placed where the receptionists sat. They gave us a tour and it was nice enough. They even had a special - $48 for your first treatment.

Lots of thoughts were running through my head. But my colleague swore that she got a good massage. And, as someone who has frequently visited a third world country, I've learned to be open minded about things that are not typically American. And I could TOTALLY tell this one was ran by Asians. (I'm Asian, I can write that. Plus, I really could tell.)
So I signed up for a hot stone massage. Heck, I can spare $48 to check this place out.
Some things I found out:
- They make you take off your shoes when you leave the lobby and go into massage area
- While I had a blanket covering me, the bed was lined by tissue. Like a medical office.
- Hot stone massage to them meant they placed stones on my body and massaged around them.
- Curtains as walls just aren't the same
- I can hear EVERYTHING
There were some positives. My lady was pretty good. She made sure she got the right pressure so she wouldn't hurt me. And the place was clean.
But I can't get past the "cutting corners." Tissue-lined massage tables, curtain walls to maximize space and the on-the-side business of selling Chinese food.
If you're intrigued, you can read
these reviews.
I visited
Skin Fitness Day Spa in Fremont for a pedicure but, again, little things make all the difference. I received a nice pedicure but it wasn't in a massage chair. And where the hell was the head rest? I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try their massage at $135 a pop. (Armi, do you strongly recommend this place? If so, which masseuse?)
I am still on the search for a fantastic East Bay spa. Sigh.