Monday, July 21, 2014

38 weeks and my bag is packed.

Oh me oh my. Well, I'm only a week behind now:p I'm actually on my 39th week but haven't taken a photo yet.
This is the Bun and my 38th photo from last week:

How cute is she? She loves that bear. That bear has "SF State" monogrammed on it in purple. She calls him, "Berry Blueberry". Or maybe it's "Beary Blueberry". In any case, I think it's quite clever.
I have a bag packed and in my car for the "just in case" scenario. Just in case I'm at the doctor's and she decides I need to be admitted, like last time. Or just in case my water breaks in the middle of the night and I go into labor. Although, I must say, Baby Boy seems extremely content. Like, we're-going-to-go-past-40-weeks content. No false or real contractions in sight.
Here is his going home outfit:
Nothing fancy but it's so soft and I like that it has snaps versus a zipper. I learned from The Bun that snaps are better because I could keep her top covered while I changed her diaper. Very important when you have a skinny baby with no fat to keep her warm! Although, again, doesn't seem like this baby is going to have the same issue:p I pray he is a healthy baby but of slight weight. Someone in my church recently gave birth to a 11+ lbs baby girl. I think that would rip me to shreds.
- Posted using BlogPress via iPhone

Thursday, July 10, 2014

And I was doing so well! 35, 36 and 37 weeks.

Ah, crud. I was really happy with how I got back into the swing of things regarding my blog. And then I fell off the wagon.
What can I say? Other than I got even more tired, busy with wrapping up the j-o-b before maternity leave and kick starting my network marketing business.
I know ... what?! Who decides to start a business in her 9th month? THIS chick. Seriously, though. I decided to be more involved and give it a go even though it's probably the craziest time to do so. I've never done anything like this before but I really love the products and am truly grateful to have them in my life. I genuinely believe they made me be healthier by eating better, all while reaping the added benefits like weight loss. Anyway, I can say a lot more but it would sound like a sales pitch. Let me just say that the health products made such a positive impact on me that I moved forward even if it seemed like a crazy time to explore this new venture!
All these things and LIFE (my lovely family, friends and regular routine) caused me to drop a ball - this blog.
35 weeks.
36 weeks.
37 weeks. Taken today!
The Bun is a GREAT sport. She often doesn't feel like taking photos. Correction: She doesn't feel like taking 10-15 shots until her vain mama finds one that she likes! But she gets into it and we eventually have some great ones, like the most recent one. Her smile is beautiful.
This is my first week of maternity leave. I had my doctor's appointment today (moving forward, weekly, until I give birth). There was a big part of me that was nervous it would be deja-vu. I worried that I would be admitted due to preeclampsia and have to have a c-section again. Fortunately, all was fine with my check-up and I was free to go about the rest of my day. 
Every day I pray that The Bean is healthy physically and mentally. I'm anxious and excited to meet him, knowing that the day will be life-changing ... and painful. I told The Man that if I got a solid week of rest (unlike my first pregnancy in which I was admitted to the hospital on my very first day of maternity leave!), I would be OK if he came a week or two early. The Man, however, does not feel prepared and wants our little guy to arrive on time, no later and definitely no earlier;)