Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy Birthday to The Man

“What do I love even more than being married to you? Being married to you and raising our beautiful family together. Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband.” (Thanks, Carlton cardsJ)

This card is perfect for you because it’s absolutely true.
A long time ago, I was content simply being a couple. You had other thoughts, however, and convinced me we should get a dog. So we did. Then, so that pup wouldn’t get lonely, we got another one. Piko and Pili immediately won me over. Well, Piko did. Pili won me over after she stopped covering herself in her own poop. And then they both completely had my heart when they both stopped eating poo! (My gosh, they were disgusting creatures.)
Then my dreams came true when you proposed and we got married almost a year later. I thought that was the best of the best. But then you said that our parents weren't getting any younger. How about we try getting pregnant sooner rather than later? Well, all right.
So we did. And very easily!
Our lives aren’t effortless. Sometimes it can be very hard and it can feel like we have no time. And while I fondly remember a period in our liveswhen it felt like we had all the time in the world, what we have today is beautiful. I’m so glad you had faith that we would be great parents and have more than enough love to give all our babies. Our home is filled with love, laughter … and poop.
I’m so thankful your parents had you. I’m so thankful you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. And I’m thankful you had the vision to see just how beautiful of a family we could be.
I love you.


Veronica Milan said...

Happy Happy Birthday Gil!! I really wish we lived closer because albert really misses you!

lopez clan

ElleDee said...

Vero! They're evidently going to be doing a Mud Run!!! Ohhh, man. Can't wait to cheer them on with you!

Veronica Milan said...

lol crazy kids!