Thursday, July 23, 2009

SB at 28 weeks ...

By the time you are 28 weeks pregnant, the baby's:
Body is about 11 to 14 inches long.
Weight is about 2 lbs.
Lungs continue to mature.
Nervous system has developed enough to control some body functions.
Eyelids open and close.

(Of course, my baby is tan:)

It's starting. Sticky Bun isn't coming for another 2 1/2 - 3 months but she's already taken over parts of our home.
In my office are materials and boxes of favors waiting to be handed out for the shower.
The garage is filling with big toys we received from my in-laws and the crib my parents bought her that has yet to be assembled.
SB has claimed her bedroom upstairs. The closet is packed with all sorts of hand-me-downs from my in-laws: humidifier, 2nd crib & bathtub (we have to move those to my mom's), carriers, and just a bunch of other necessities. SB already has outfits given by lovely friends who, dare I write, are as excited as me to dress up a little girl and the outfits are just waiting for SB in her dresser.
We're starting to receive shower gifts and sprinkled about downstairs is a new bathing tub, booster seat, infant swing, and the changing table that The Man is in the process of assembling.
Sticky Bun is taking over our house. The puppies aren't going to know what hit them. Poor things.
PS: I've had to stop The Man from putting the baby's clothes on Pili. He may just be teasing me but I really can't tell.


jen said...

yay for SB :) she's got more stuff than some of us! hehe

Veronica Milan said...

Dude...just have Albert help the man when I drop him off. haha! That crip and all other things will be ready!!