Yup, I'm about to get even more MAMA on you and I bet you didn't think it that was possible!
Tonight marks the night The Bun officially stopped breastfeeding.
Sure, she has been eating baby food, some soft regular food and cow's milk since she was one year old. But this entire time she has has breast milk before she went to bed. It was part of her night time routine - bath, book, b-milk, and bed.
I figured that she would be weened when I visit Tel for four days in July. But nope, it happened this weekend. I suppose it was a succession of events. Thursday was my good friend's last day at work so I went to her going away party and came home after The Bun went to bed. On Friday, she slept over my folks' house so yet another night of no b-milk. On Saturday, she latched on but it didn't make her sleepy like it normally does. Same for Sunday. And then tonight, when she signed, "milk", I got ready to breastfeed her. But she shook her head and pointed to her bottle of milk.
Ah, I see.
So there it is. I had been so excited for this day. Especially when I was in so much pain from being engorged. But as time went by and her feedings lessened, the pain went away. And now here I am, getting the wish I made probably over a year ago.
No, I didn't cry. But the cliches people say are true. Like, they really do grow too fast. And time really does fly. And yes, I sometimes wonder where the time goes.
Guess I can't tell The Man anymore, "Hey! These aren't just fun bags. These are working boobs."
i totally applaud you for going as far as you did! :) I want to make it to at least a year of BFing, and we'll take it from there. K is a fan of the boob-juice as of now and it is still his main form of nutrition, so I don't mind. But, man, I'll be glad when I don't have to use breast pads anymore!
hey does that free up time for blogging more?!?!? JK heheheh...
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