I feel absolutely blessed to have a beautiful family ... but I also feel lost. I'm wondering about my worth, contribution and talent. I remember when I was more creative. What happened to that side of me? I wonder if I've traveled a path that got further and further away from creative challenges, joyful experiences and basically things that brought happiness to my life. I acted a little in college, wrote and produced pieces in grad school, even won a writing award when I graduated and now ... nothing. I do not feel an ounce bit creative.
As my fantastic 26 year old colleague jokes (we share many of the same trials and tribulations), "You mean you're dead behind the eyes." It's terribly dark, funny, and a little bit true. When I told her I was too old, she objected. I know I'm not, really, that I have so much ahead of me but I feel too old to be lost. I'm 34, for crap's sake. I'm a wife! And a mom. I'm a grown up. I am too old to start over. I've got a family who depends on me. I can't just up and quit and go back to school. Or spend money to find my bliss. I have to work. At the very least, I can't incur debt (expecting The Man to support the family while I spend money) to figure out what I want in life.
I worry because I don't want to be one of those people who are never happy. Ugh, definitely not that. But I'm sad I haven't been able to find joy in all aspects of my life. If I had to only pick one place to be happy, though, hands down I am so thankful to have a wonderful home life.
I'm trying to sort through things and figure out what I can do to bring some of that joy back while fulfilling obligations and responsibilities. Is it taking a writing class? Acting class? One more day of yoga? I know I need to do something.
I have to end this entry on a somewhat happier note. So I'll leave with this. I will admit, my love for The Office dulled a little after Steve Carrel's character, Michael Scott, left the show. But when The Office announced that this was its last season, I was sad. It is one of my favorite shows. And, as you may know, I love to be entertained by humor. It's a wonderful escape. The Office made me so incredibly uncomfortable at times but I had to keep watching! I wanted so badly for Pam and Jim to get together and was overjoyed when they finally did. I loved many of the characters and identified with their simple lives. Such good acting and writing. The Man brought DVDs to the hospital when I was in labor. I have vivid memories laboring with The Office theme music playing quietly in the background. And I have vague memories after giving birth (the first couple months afterwards were a blur) of breastfeeding while watching The Office.
Anyway, www.dooce.com posted a video she found on YouTube which showed The Office's bloopers over eight seasons. It is positively fantastic:
I get where you're coming from...it's hard to find your place in life at any age, let alone at this age when one is supposed to have it all together.
But, if you can find that one or two things that brighten your day a little bit, then you're on the winning side. :)
Exactly what Jen said! I feel lost 85% of the time. I feel like my "creative" lifestyle/job is a joke sometimes. It's sad.
My true happiness lies in my kids. they really make me feel like I did SOMETHING right. Not that they are perfect and not that they don't piss me over the edge with rage at times. lol They bring me joy and happiness daily with their smile. Their "I wuv you mama" and because I know they are a blessing from God. I honestly think the closer you get to our creator the angier the enemy becomes and he fills our heads with LIES. I struggle with these said lies DAILY. It's no fun. Hang in there friend. Hugs!
Thanks, Jen. I do try to find that silver liking constantly. A daily basis!;)
Thank V. I'm sorry that you know how I feel. You're right. I got to ignore those lies. So hard sometimes! As for your creativity that you cleverly turned into a living, that is admirable. NOT a joke. Xoxo
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