Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Birth Certificate & Wine = Good Day!

The Bun is nearly three years old. But today, TODAY, is when I decided to get her official birth certificate! I have what is called an official copy but it's not "official." Recently, I had a bug up my bum about getting a passport in case of an emergency. I mean, if ever there was an emergency, who knows how long a passport will take?! (I also have to get The Man's ... Argh!)
See, bug up my bum.
I'm happy to report that it wasn't nearly as stresful or tedious as I had imagined it would be. I went to the info desk and the lady told me to fill out the form and come back for a number.  I filled out the form, got a number and was called in less than five minutes. Then I went to the desk my # was assigned and had the nicest clerk. She gave me two official birth certificates in about five minutes. The total time it took? Fifteen minutes!
Side note: Now I know, fill out as many forms as you possibly can before going to a public agency. I actually knew this but forgot. Silly Mama.
After going to downtown Oakland, though, we went to my favorite wine company. I affectionately call them an Urban Winery but they don't have vineyards so technically they aren't one. They have a lovely view of San Francisco from their tasting room albeit slightly obstructed. Unfortunately we couldn't get a good shot it. But we did get one showing off their pretty room. My Ma & Sister had a grand old time. We were free because of my membership - yippee! And my underage nephew had a comfortable place to sit in what I think is their kids area. Man, I love this place. I also love how the folks who work there can only be described as "urban." Not all but many of them have piercing, tattoos and funky haircuts. My fellow wine tasters are not high-falutin' but normal dressing folks. My husband is not a fan of the polo-shirt-with-the-sweater-tied-around-the-shoulders-crowd. No offense if you like to wear that :)
What a nice way to spend a day with my Ma & Sister ... and nephew, too. He gets credit for the photo.

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