Friday, May 02, 2014

27 weeks.

Argh! I have another post in progress but I don't know if I'll make it by tomorrow and that's the last day of my 27th week!
So here is my pregnancy post, super short and sweet:
I'm feeling a lot bigger now. The Bean/we definitely had a growth spurt. Those shoes in the photo were a nice thought and went well with the dress. They were on for maybe a half hour at work before I switched to flats:p
I'm certainly feeling the weight and it's causing me to slow down. The next 12-13 weeks are going to be a little bit of challenge only because I get pretty pooped easily. Still feeling grateful for a good pregnancy, though. What I'm experiencing isn't anything abnormal and I have a great support system. The Man & The Bun are tops. Even the pups don't give me trouble. Well, not too much trouble!

- Posted using BlogPress via iPhone

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