Monday, December 03, 2007

More of the little things ...

I am a happy gal. We cleaned most of the house and were able to put up Christmas Cheer. YAAAAA-HOOOOOOOO!! You know how I love me some Christmas. What was even better was that The Man helped A LOT. He moved furniture, he dusted and he STEAM CLEANED.
Was it no wonder why I said, "yes"? He is a dream.
We don't have a large house but it can be overwhelming to me. When I lived on my own, I would just clean as I would go along so the times of when I would need to do a major cleaning were far and few between.
Now, with two people and two dogs, I should do it every weekend. But I don't.
So I was really irritable this weekend because cleaning the house felt like such a daunting task. And, because of errands, I wasn't able to start until 6:00pm. I have no idea why but if I clean, it must be during the morning and early afternoon. It's quirky but trying to clean at night really irritates me. But when he saw that it was really important to me, The Man manned it up, picked up some paper towels and Endust, and went to work. I vacuumed my little heart out, cleaned the kitchen counters and fridge and cleaned our bathroom (we have two rooms out of order which is another reason I was irritated but that's a different story.) The Man steam cleaned our carpets and moved around furniture to prepare for a new desk. We finished most of the cleaning and I felt a great sense of relief.
The next day, the Christmas decorations went up. I had gone to town purchasing Christmas decorations last year. Wreaths galore, bows and ornaments. But when I pulled out the bins and put everything up, I was surprised to see that it really wasn't that much. I mean, the house is decorated but it's not as Christmas-y (or crazy) as I thought it would be. Maybe it will be different once we get a tree. And I'm just very happy that there is Christmas cheer in my home.
Anyway, I just had to give props to Jon because he feels like I slam him on this here little blog (I thought I wrote something very nice but he thought I made him sound like an anti-social hermit. Oops.) I think we all know I'm not just a huge fan but the fan club president. So just to make it perfectly clear, I really really appreciate him. And it's the little things like helping his woman clean that makes my world go 'round. And I don't mean pansy, pitiful help but full on, moving-the-furniture, thoroughly dusting, getting-all-up-in-the vacuum-to-take-out-a-nasty-clog-for-me help. Thank you!!!


VS said...

Men who help are hot! Mine just moved navigated a truck through banks of snow and moved our new sofa in. Makes me all goopy...

'Bout the cleaning thing tho: sounds like you guys did a swell job and had some fun doing it, but I have to say, get yo'selves a maid in once a week, your life will absolutely transform! I resisted for years - "too expensive" "too colonial" "blah, blah" - but it isn't that much and we only have it done twice a month, but it's plenty and it's a dream not to have to think about it. Now if I can just convince her to do our laundry...

demondoll said...

Hooray for fellas who help!!!!
I want steam cleaned... wait I have floors. I have to mop. Ew.

I would love a twice-a-month service, but am too self-concious. I find I clean for the cleaning lady:-P

I want pix of both your places- decor/sofa!