Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Small but happy purchase ... and heart healthy soaps!

I am now hopped up on decongestion medication and allergy medication because I don't know what's what anymore. I save my special codeine cough syrup for the evenings. Anyhow, now that I'm somewhat back to normal, I'm trying to go back to my (as of lately) normal routine.
Well, I woke up at 1:30am today and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope to not wake up so early moving forward. But with the pups moving around and my nose being stuffed up and runny at the same time, I couldn't go back to sleep. I finally got out of bed around 3:00am and did some work and surfed the 'net. Thanks for the wee early morning chat, Jen! I even ate a little bit of oatmeal before I headed out to the gym.
I haven't been to the gym in seven days. When you're supposed to be going six days a week, that's been a loooooong time. I didn't even try to go on the treadmill. My trainer had to lighten up my weights because I was weaker. I felt like a wheezing old biddy. Who coughed a lot.
Anyway, it looks like I will be OK enough to go to yoga tomorrow. I love yoga!! Specifically, vinyasa or power yoga. OK, no one may care and I may lose anyone who was thinking about reading this entry. But I do! I do love yoga! It makes me feel strong and peaceful at the same time. I feel focused and energized. I wish I was a true yogi but I'm not. I'm not in it for the meditation. I like the challenges and using my own body for resistance. I love it. Well, except for Plow. If you don't do yoga, this is plow:

I hate this position. I feel like my stomach (muffin top) and boobs are suffocating me. My "cushion" even prevents me from getting my toes to the ground. The Man tried doing this position once when we did a yoga video together ... it made him feel a little tubby. I have to admit, it made me feel better that I wasn't the only one.
I had done yoga for about a year and then had to take a year off because of my previous employer - yet another reason why I hated that job. Anyway, I started my yoga practice in November and am back in love. But it is time to get a new mat. See, I had inherited this mat a little over two years ago:It's done right by me. Two years ago, I didn't know if I'd like yoga but I wanted to give it a try. I was still working at a gym and one of the guys I worked with told me there was an unclaimed new-ish looking mat and mat bag that had been there for a while. I think you all know how I feel about other people's sweat. Specifically, other people's sweat touching ME. But it did look like new. I had taken the mat and bag home and put them in the wash. Good as new! And the mat and bag have been great to me ever since.
Well, maybe it's just because, or maybe it's because I'm going into my 30s, but I realized recently that I need more cushion for my knees, elbows and wrists and my 1/8" inch mat just isn't doing it for me anymore. I mean, how am I supposed to comfortably do this?

This is one of my most favorite poses. Except I don't dare do it in white biker shorts and sports bra.

Or this?

I like this pose because it reminds me of when I did gymnastics as a kid. Plus it's easy for me.

I need some protection for my poor joints and limbs! So I perused through (a favorite of our household now) to shop around for my new yoga partner and found this lovely mat:

So pretty! Just like the ocean with all the different shades of blue and aquamarine (is aquamarine a shade of blue?) And it's 1/4" thick. Double the thickness - hallelujah! I am hoping that my cough continues to subside and that my nose running is kept to a minimum so I can go back to yoga tomorrow morning. And use my lovely new mat! See? A small purchase but it made me very happy.

Oh my gosh! So you know how I love my j-o-b? Not only do I really enjoy my work but I also think very highly of the company. I just received an email letting me know that one of our campaigns, Go Red for Women, was featured on General Hospital!
Soooo, long story short, I used to be addicted to soap operas. Seriously. I watched since I was a baby (I don't blame my mama, it's just how it was) up until I started grad school. 23 years of watching soap operas. How is this possible? Didn't I go to school?! My mama taped them. While I was doing my homework, I would watch One Life to Live, General Hospital and Days of our Lives. We would get done around 7pm. Every week day, from when I was in diapers all the way to senior year in high school. And then I would do my best to catch some if not all when I was in college. It was a struggle.
I even wrote a thesis on a qualitative study of soap opera audiences because I realized it affected the way I thought about relationships. No joke. My therapist and grad school professors helped me figure that out. Anyway, I used to be addicted. I stopped watching all together (the thesis and therapy really opened my eyes.) But I do have a fondness for "my stories." And I loved, loved, loved General Hospital! So imagine the GLEE I felt when I found out "we" were on GH!
AHA visits ABC’s General Hospital
The Feb. 27 storyline of ABC’s General Hospital was created with one goal in mind: inform women about their risk of heart disease. The episode features Go Red For Women messaging and includes appearances by AHA volunteer survivors Maria Kisska and Evan McCabe, as well as Molly McLellan, AHA’s corporate events director in Los Angeles.
In the episode, General Hospital character Epiphany Johnson, a heart attack survivor, takes part in a Go Red support group meeting and talks with other heart survivors, including Maria, Evan and Molly. Go Red signage can be seen in the background.

How cool is that?! I'm so proud of the company I work for and all that my colleagues and our volunteers do. Anyway, now you know! The importance of living heart healthy and my complicated views of soap operas! My thesis rocked, by the way. Do you doubt? Think the topic was too frivolous and trite? It won an award for Best Writing in my graduate studies the year I graduated :) BIG shout outs to my kick ass (non paid) editors, Kim and Darwin.


demondoll said...

I love it- so pretty, so yoga:you! Just yummy. You must to bring when next you visit! Gigi will be jealouse.

demondoll said...

aquamarine is indeed a member of the blue family:-)

demondoll said...

... but it does like its complementary status, as opposed to Sapphire's rather primary stance.

Sorry for the color-wheel geeking.

demondoll said...

Shout out to the AHA!!!!!

Kim said...

Hey, I remember that paper! :) Indeed it was a good one.

Anna M said...

Just looking at those pictures of the yoga positions hurts me!

Have a good weekend girl!