Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My allergies are FEROCIOUS!

This will be a quick post because I have to get ready to work out (mind you, I feel obligated because I think I killed every carb in sight with my mouth yesterday.)

I am so sad. The pile of used tissues are getting bigger and bigger each morning. I took the fake allergy medication. Then I took the good stuff - Claritin. Now I'm really going to have to Google Neti Pot (still don't know what the hell that is or what it even looks like.) But I think it won't matter. I wake up having to blow my nose in the middle of the night. The Man tosses in frustration. But I can't help it. I am seriously a snot factory :( It's affecting my sleep, his sleep and I really can't help it! Luckily, he snores like a chainsaw so he can't up and leave me for it ;)

Please, please, please let the weather change soon!


jen said...

:( Sorry for the nasal commotion going on. Snot is never fun.

But yay for working out! :) I went to a hour-long abs class yesterday at my gym and oh my lordie, I'm sore today. But in a good way. So, I signed up for 11 more classes! hah. :) Cause yeah, like a good girl from Hawaii, I LOVE white (sticky) rice.

Veronica Milan said...

Albert and I have one each. THE. BEST. You tube the video. That is much better. You will see how it works.

demondoll said...

My minor issue with Claritin is that it takes HOURS for it to work for me. I pop one of those and a Sudafed headache pill at the same time...
As you imagine, I get a LOT of cleaning done after taking all the hoppers