Saturday, January 28, 2012

A long time coming.

The Bun is about to be introduced to a tradition. One of my most favorite traditions, actually. Up there with Christmas. It started here, here and here. That's right, Girls' Trip! Way better than Girls' Night Out ;) Our third dearest friend joined us the second time because, while it was for a wedding, we arrived early so we could have some quality friend time. Then I got married, thus our third one but, unlike my friend's wedding, I didn't have a lot of time to hang out with friends :(  Then there was my last Girls' Trip with them in 2009 before my planned pregnany w/ The Bun.
I've missed two more trips due to being a mom and/or insufficient funds. But my two girlfriend made me and another girlfriend, who has never gone with us, promise that 2012 would be our year. All four of us would go. I made the lofty promise of going and bringing The Bun w/ me. When it was time to plan, I thought about going back on this promise. I knew that I would get little sleep and it wouldn't be relaxing. Although one of my friends also had a child she's going to bring, who is less than a year old, I figured she could strap her kid on her back versus me who will have to be in the hotel room by 7:00 PM.
I underestimated my friends.
They planned to rent a condo so that the moms with kids could comfortably lounge with everyone else in the safety of our condo versus two us being holed up in a room w/ bebes while the other two went out gallivanting. In addition to attempting to have the four of us have our own room, they were working their hardest to have a champagne vacation on a Budweiser budget.
Bless their hearts, they pretty much did.
So The Bun will be attending her first Girls' Trip this year. And I, after a three year hiatus, will be joining my girlfriends. I am so excited. One of our goals (in addition to having lots of fun, relaxing and making tons of awesome memories) is to get The Bun & Baby hooked so they look forward to Girls' Trips too! Well, the less-than-one-year-old baby may not remember a lick. But we can work on The Bun.


jen said...

when are you going? what island? it'd be awesome if we were there at the same time! :)

ElleDee said...

We're going mid-May. We'll be staying on the North Shore. What about you????

jen said...

ohhhhhhh! :) we *might* still be there. Not 100% sure yet. We leave for HI March 5 and will be there till May or June (depending on A's work load/schedule). Yippie for a possible date!

Anonymous said...

That sounds friggin fabulous!! Have an awesome time!