Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Humbling moment

There are many times in parenting when I became painfully aware of my flaws.The other day, The Bun kept asking me questions while I was trying to get ready for work. Becoming impatient, I shushed her.
She got very quiet. I glanced over to where she was sitting on my bed from the bathroom where I was getting ready and saw she slumped over, looking defeated. Oh boy.
I stopped what I was doing, walked over and sat down next to her to ask her if she was OK. She looked at me with tears and said, "Don't shush no more."
The Bun was right. I know it wasn't just the shushing but the way I shushed her. With an impatient and irritated tone. I regretted my actions immediately.
One thing I'm very good at is admitting when I'm wrong. I gave her a big hug, lots of kisses and said I was sorry.
She forgave me immediately.
Being a parent is indescribable. It's challenging, rewarding, exhausting, loving, the list goes on and on. It can also make you feel like a superhero, a martyr, a beauty queen, a villain, a magician, a maid, a short order cook and an ass. And a whole bunch of other things.
Every day, I try to be better and to lead by example. And every single day The Bun teaches me how.


Veronica Milan said...

holy crap. I shush my kids alllll day long. ugh.

ElleDee said...

You have it way tougher than I ... You're outnumbered! I don't doubt you're a fantabulous mama;)