We woke up this morning and took the pups to Alameda. Poor guy, he was feeling under the weather but he put a brave face on because he knew how much I wanted pictures for our holiday cards. It was colder than a mother effer but by golly, he did it. He's so talented! And I have to add that he was missing the piece that attached the camera securely to the tripod so it was balancing precariously the entire time :)
We could NOT figure out how to get the puppies to look at the camera.
Our dogs couldn't be less interested in what we were doing.
Good enough - we'll take it!
Poor guy, he is sick and shivering the whole time. And if there hadn't been fog, you would be able to see San Francisco and the Bay Bridge in the distance. But there was. So you don't!
Looks romantic. But we're both thinking, "Did the camera take the picture yet?" And again, no San Francisco skyline :(
Hauling the dogs back to the car and getting our frozen rear ends back home! (I think Gil FINALLY understands why I love the car seat warmers so much!!!)
I was hoping to be one of those annoyingly on the ball people who sent out their Christmas cards right after Thanksgiving. But now I'm just part of the normal geeky crowd who loves to send holiday cards made up of pictures of themselves.
I freakin' LOVE this season! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!
PS: Poor hubby. He had cold sweats that night and a fever. He ended up calling sick on Monday ... he thinks someone sneezed in his food when we ate out on Saturday night!
Holy crap woman, you are looking super skiiiiiinny! Love the photos. :) How was b-day night? Sorry I was under the weather and had to miss it. Doing a little better today, but still blah. Hope you all had fun!
yolofili (hehe)
Ohh ... it's an optical illusion but thank you :)
I loooooove Christmas cards with photos- it's the best! And your HUbs did a darn fab job with the timer and the duo-pod :-)
I, too, was going to send out early, but alas. We haven't even begun the printing phase.
I can't wait till I have puppies that I can take pictures with so great. I always forget to send out Christmas cards and this year is no exception I love to get them but never send I am such a slacker.
Oh...I love your pictures. Geez can we say: ROMANTIC that 5th one looks like a romance novel cover!
I think I'll opt for a puppy instead of a second child. They are so cute. :)
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We love you!!!
Ethan says,hu8yn jj
I think that means "happy birthday" ;)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! (belated) and yes, you're looking slim. D took notice and said "wow..who is that?!"... and I said, "uhmmm..MRS. Ramirez..my roomate...." heheh
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