Thursday, March 13, 2014

20 weeks, tired but happy!

I'm glad that I'm blogging again. Even though it feels like I've been pregnant forrrrrr-everrrrr, it's just been five months. And being able to write "20 weeks" helps me realize that, in some ways, time is just flying by! The Man and I recently discussed how we have five months left to get the house in order for our new little one IF he comes on time. Realistically, we should make our deadline be four months from now. THAT makes me also feel like time is flying by.
Obligatory status update photo. I wasn't going to do these but they're so much fun w/ The Bun:)
She is so darn cute!
These photos bring me joy ... but they also make me a wee bit scared. If I'm not careful, my belly will double this size! By "careful", I mean eating better and eating only to provide nutrients for The Bean and me unlike what I'm doing right now - forgetting everything I learned about eating healthy and eating a ton of crap!
I will say, though, that after a weekend (OK, and Monday) of debauchery, I've bulked up on my veggies intake again. I've been making morning smoothies with lots of spinach as well as making sure my lunches have veggies, too. The Man and I know we need to eat better but it's been a struggle. We're so tired when we get home and the thought of preparing a meal is daunting. It's much easier to buy our dinner ... just not nearly as good for us:( Again, a work in progress.
In fact, here we are at a restaurant! Thankfully, this one served delicious and nutritious food. I wish restaurants in our area were like this. We live in a great family friendly area that is, unfortunately, also home to chain and greasy spoon restaurants.
Something that I'm proud to write is that I am getting my exercise. I have a boss who is an exercise addict. I wish that was my addiction! Boss needs to get some exercise each day or else she goes crazy (her words, not mine.) She likes to walk around the track where we work and I tag along with her so I can get moving. Working with someone who does this is very motivational because I most likely wouldn't take the time to do it on my own. So anywhere between three to five times a week, we briskly walk two miles. She is taller than me with a long stride which works in my favor because these walks make me hustle! I feel really good after these walks because I know I'm doing something very healthy for the baby and me.

The other thing I'm doing happens less frequently but we're trying our best to make it part of our routine. My high school best friend and I try to get together every Sunday around 6:00 or 7:00 AM to walk around the neighborhood lake. It's about five miles and takes one and a half to two hours! Sometimes we can't get together because one of us is out of town, or we have prior family commitments, or a parent or kiddo is sick (she has three!) But we try our best and I love these walks. This week, we're going to mix it up and rent a peddle boat. We're pretty excited! We'll probably only do this every once in a while since it costs money to rent and walking is free:)
They say (books, doctors and such) that I should have a burst of energy in the second trimester. I can't say that's the case for me. I've been really tired when I get home! I'm blessed to have an understanding hubby and kiddo who allow me to pass out when it's absolutely necessary - it happens once or twice during the work week. On the weekends, I am beat! It's as if I used all the energy I have at work and my battery is just drained on the weekends. Other than being tired, though, I'm thankful to have an easy-going pregnancy.
I'm even more thankful that everything looks great with Coffee Bean. I didn't want to discuss it but we had a small scare during my extensive ultrasound appointment two Sundays ago. It was with a technician so he could capture the baby and my uterus at various angles. At the end, he told us that he saw something very common in ultrasounds (he said, for him, 1-in-20 is pretty common). It was a very long medical term but in it was "cyst" and "neurological". The technician reassured us that he didn't see other factors that would lead him to believe that this was anything to be alarmed about but the hospital is very thorough so he needed to alert my doctor, even though it probably wasn't anything at all.
Well, we all know that "cyst" and "neurological" is pretty alarming. But he was so sure of himself that The Man and I figured we will try to not give it a second thought until our doctor told us anything further. Thankfully, when I saw my doctor earlier this week, she said The Bean looks perfect. I asked her about what the tech has mentioned and she said she consulted two specialists and they both said there was no cause for alarm. Phew! We were extremely happy to hear that.
It's crazy to think that women have been giving birth since the dawn of time yet there are so many unknown factors. All we can do is pray and hope for the physical and mental health of our babies.

1 comment:

mrs. A said...

I wish exercising was my addiction! Good for you that you're getting some walking in. I have no excuse! ;)
And so happy there is nothing to worry about for Mr. Bean (hehe, I had to!) I'm sure he'll be just as awesome and healthy as the Bun!