I have been a VERY BAD WW girl.
Sure, I drink at least 64 oz of water a day.
I exercise 3-4 times a week.
But I also eat anywhere from 30-50 points a day. Especially when I work out. I get so hungry! Terrible considering my allotment is 20 points per day. Even with the flex points (that's the 35 points we get as cushion for you non-WW peeps) I'm still doing miserably.
This isn't good. I know it's not good. I even skipped last week's WW meeting because I was embarassed. Maybe even ashamed?
I can't seem to get on track. I know I should eat more vegetables and fruits but I'm failing at that. Instead, I eat chocolate, carbs and the yummy-but-oh-so-bad-for-you stuff.
What's strange is I'm more comfortable in my skin than I was when I was in college. But not THIS skin. I gained 10 lbs when I was at my old job and I can't seem to shake them off! I would love to lose 15-20 but if I can lose 10 lbs I will be able to fit into my cute clothes again.
OK, enough of the pity party. I just had to put it out there because I feel like I'm not owning up to my badness.
I want to do better. I have to do better. I NEED to do better. Because even though I'm doing all this damn working out and drinking like a GD camel, I'm not losing any weight. And I'm pissed. And it's not good to be walking around in public pissed.
maybe you're hitting a plateau and you need to do something different. hopefully you'll break it.
I know it isn't easy, Sister :(
But you'll get there! You are working so hard!
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