Monday, April 02, 2012

Self diagnosed addictive personality

Only when it comes to certain things. Which is why this is entirely speculation and a self-diagnosis.
My Kindle is an oldie but goodie. Yes, my Kindle is from pre-iPad days making it one overpriced mother effer. Seriously.
But I can't really complain because my Kindle was a baby shower gift from my Mama. (My Mama is one generous lady. Thanks, Ma!) I'm only annoyed on behalf of my Mama because it was really insulting for Amazon to charge so much now that we know how far $500 can really go (ah-hmm, say what you will about Apple but they really kicked Amazon in the tail.) Oh well, lesson learned.
I do still use my old Kindle, though! While we have an iPad, it's used mainly by The Man. I tend to use my work PC laptop or my iPhone. The Kindle makes an appearance now and then but I usually have to tuck it away because I have this fault. If I really like I book, I can't put it down. I know, many people have this issue. But it can get in the way. I will be up until 2 or 3 in the morning just so I can finish a book and find out how it ends. I know, it's just plain silly. But it's a huge reason why I put it away and don't read for a while. The Kindle revolutionized the way we read! Before, we would have to buy a book at the bookstore or check it out of the library. Now we can download a book in less than a minute. The accessibility to new-to-you literature is mind-blowing. And can be very distruptive to a person's schedule when the person is like me and has to finish the book.
So my dear Kindle has been in my bedside table for quite some time. Until I gave in to the masses and read The Hunger Games.
What a great book. I really liked it. So much more than Twilight (not winning any points with you literary snobs, am I?) I finished it one day so that night, before I went to sleep, I downloaded the second book so I could read it as soon as I woke up:

It was a blessing and a curse that I was not disappointed. Usually I lose interest in a main female character and it's because, unfortunately and typically, the character turns out to be helpless or indecisive. I can't stand that. But all the characters remain strong, including the lead female character. Love that.
Using all my control and frankly, it helped that I was ODed on books after a weekend, I decided that I was going to wait through the work week until April 1st to download the last book of the trilogy. A big reason why I decided to wait was because I was eligible through Amazon Prime to check out a book for free at the beginning of each month. Oh, Amazon, there you go winning me back again. You're just too amazing for me to stay away.
So yesterday I downloaded the final book:
I started reading around 8 PM and got done at about 1 AM. That's right. I just had to finish it. HAD TO FINISH! As I continued reading I knew that I should stop. The book would be waiting for me! But no, I just had to find out the ending and was soooo tired this morning.
This is why I don't read as much as I used to. Well, this and because I have a 2 year old daughter.
But I'm glad I got caught up in The Hunger Games frenzy. These really are good books and I highly recommend them! They are entertaining, easy, yet smart and well-developed.
(Although, who am I really encouraging to read these? I'm probably one of the last people to read the series!)


Mimi said...

I'm so jealous you have/find time to read. The only "reading" I get to do nowadays is TMZ on my iPhone. Pretty pathetic actually! :( Although, I may try my first e-book on IPad this week - Bloom by Kelle Hampton (a mama book). If you're interested, make sure you have a box of tissue handy.

jen said...

I am the same way - when I get into a book, I can't put it down and everything else falls to the wayside (well, except K) :) haha

I have been resisting the Hunger Games for this very reason - but will probably get them when I'm home (since I can share them with my mom). Have you seen the movie yet?

BTW- you're not the only one with a "stone-age" Kindle. :)

ElleDee said...

I never thought I would have time to read again! But it's been a process. The Bun has slept through the night for over a year now, but I was so exhausted, I didn't have the energy (or attention span) to give to books. But after over a year of futzing on FB, Perez Hilton and other fun sites, I decided to go back to reading because I love it so!
I have not seen the movie yet. I probably won't see it until it's out on DVD :p