(I wrote this a few months back but never published it. But now, especially with all the food I ate today, I figured, "what the heck?" It doesn't bother me anymore.)
All right, perhaps I'm masochistic. Who in her right mind would think, "Hey, I should get my body fat percentage" the week before her period. That's right, that's right, me. *bow* But I was influenced. My coworker, Flo, announces to us that she just took her body percentage and she had lowered. We are both on Weight Watchers. I ask her if she thinks Marge would take my body percentage, too.
I walk over to this personal trainer and ask her to take my body fat percentage. Marge asked me for my height (five feet) and if I exercise regularly. I told her I've been taking a cardio class and power yoga twice a week. So, never doing this before, I step onto the stupid bodyfat contraption and Marge says to me, "You are at 27%. What size are you?" I answer, "Five." Marge replies, "You're five feet, right? You should be a size 1." I look at her in disbelief.
Last time I was a size 1/2, I was 17 years old and had mono. Last time I was a size 3/4 was two years ago. I am currently a 5/6. I'm not happy with that but I'm comforted in the fact that I'm not that far from my goal ... a size 3/4. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO BE A SIZE ONE AND HEALTHY!!!! I was stunned. Not even depressed, just stunned.
Look, I know women my height can be a size 1/2, or even a size 0. I'm related to a few of them. But with my built, I look best at a 3/4. And it's attainable. Hard as hell, but attainable. I might look good as a 1/2 (look at Nicole Richie) but I've never been a size 1/2 as an adult. What was an ego deflater was my 27% body fat. 27%!!! Dang. I thought yoga, especially POWER yoga, was suppose to tone and cardio (with weights) is supposed to be great for me.
Am I obsessed with my weight? Sometimes. Is it unhealthy? Well, I'm not binging and purging or starving myself. Obviously I power through my concern and manage to eat icecream, rice krisy treats or chocolate.
*I told my coworkers about this a few days later. They were pissed. Evidently, Marge sticks her foot in her mouth regularly. And one colleague had a point - she said it was damn lucky I didn't have an eating disorder b/c that could have sent me over the edge. We have coworkers who, unfortunately, do. Marge also has a flabbier stomach than me. (I had to stick that in here.)
Marge is a jack-a$$.
If you do go down to a 3-4, that's just fine. But you are already mighty fine right now! What a jack-a$$ that Marge is...
Ahh, thank you my friends. Now that I'm older, I've gotten a little bit better about not bashing my physical appearance (this is a gal who has been trying fad diets and diet pills since she was 12 years old.)
But maaan, Marge was making me start to wonder if I was just complacent about my weight. Anyway, a coworker summed up Marge when she simply said, "She's just a b-tch." Ohhhh, that makes sense.
OMGGGGGG she is CRAZY... let's see..... I'm 5' and I don't think I've been a size 1/2... since middle school? NOT EVEN THEN! That woman is out of her mind!-Tiff
You are teeny tiny! You're beautiful as a size 5/6, but if you want to get down to a "healthier" weight/size, then do it only for yourself, and not because Marge says so.
That's awful. I wonder what percent body fat some of those fat-ass linemen in football have. (Fat F*cks.)
MsLips, SM, Sister, Tiff and Tel, you guys are great! Thank you for your support. Tell, the linemen comment made me pee a little in my pants. Thanks.
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