Friday, April 17, 2009


Taken April 3rd, 2009


jen said...

awww...totally amazing, LD. totally freakin' amazing!!! :)

Unknown said...

BABYYY!! :D I've never been so excited over a sonogram before! I guess it's just different when it's one of my fav cousins!

Veronica Milan said...

Awww I remember that one. I loved the first one too. They look like a weird little alien. hehe Wait til you see the 8-9 month one!! Oh, the whole body....ahhh

Mimi said...

I got goosebumps! :)

Kim said...

I have mine magneted to the fridge. :D It's amazing how different mine and yours look...different positions, different prominent's truly an amazing process! :)

Auntie Sassy said...

HURRAY! There is Baby Bun!!!

My friend Kai showed me a photo of Annika taken with that scary 3D (or 4D?) ultrasound. It took me a minute to realize it was her WHOLE FACE. I screamed. There is just something fundementally wrong with seeing the baby's face WHILE it is still in the womb.

However, this could just be the view of a lady who's never been pregnant. Do you think it would be creepy? Or would you want to see baby's face in there?

ElleDee said...

You guys are great - thanks for being a little excited for me/us ... I couldn't believe how baby-like the baby is already!Last time I had an ultrasound of SB, it looked like a shrimp.
I will not get a 3-D because i don't think insurance pays for it. Plus, I would rather see my baby in detail when fully developed ;)
Kim, congrats on the B-O-Y!!!