Sunday, March 11, 2012

Futzing around with technology

This is how I decompress. I futz on the internet. Prior to FaceBook, MySpace and Friendster, I had blogs to peruse. And, of course, there are gossip sites, shopping sites, travel sites, and, really, I could find hours upon hours of things to look at and piss away my time. And now there's even more to look at! Uh, hello Pinterest?
When The Bun was an infant, it was OK for me to be on my smart phone or laptop. In fact, it was a great way to pass the time when I was breast feeding or pumping. Or when she was napping But a little over a year ago, The Man called me out. Rightfully so. He said he made it a point to not be on his iPod Touch or iPad when spending time with The Bun and he thought I should do the same. This ensured we had quality time with her. I fully agreed. I made it a point to not be on my laptop. But man, does that smart phone make it easy for me to slip up!
Here's the thing. I'll hear an email alert. Or, when checking the time, I'll see a notification on my FB app. Or one of my other apps. Or I'll receive a text message. Or, and I also trick myself into doing this, I'll take a photo, upload it to FB and then want to read the comments. Full addict confession: One thing leads to another and there I am, browsing the internet or scrolling down my FaceBook page.
I feel so guilty! There isn't much time to have QUALITY time with the Bun. I mean, we already have the TV distracting her, we're both working parents so our weekdays are cut short. So on the weekends, what is my bloody excuse?
In addition to putting it out there that I need to lose those last 5 lbs (I have been hovering between 5 and 7 pounds for months and have been too ashamed to post it on FB), I shall also declare on my blog that I will be stricter with myself and limit my iPhone futzing time to the bare minimum when The Bun is around. I mean, as soon as she goes to bed, The Man and I are already jumping on our electronic devices! Why can't I show some restraint when she's around? She deserves a Mama who is giving her full & undivided attention. Well, that's a lot to ask since we don't live in a bubble but how about a Mama who is focused on her and not the internet?
 I already don't talk on the phone unless it's neccessary. I will allow myself to answer texts and important emails. I just need to make sure that I don't get lured by my apps' notification features. I can do this!
(And, dammit, I can lose those last 5 lbs! For crap's sake, I am below pre-baby weight and wedding weight. I would just like to be at the weight I was when I met The Man. It's a reasonable goal since I've weighed less than that when we were dating. I just know that my goal weight is attainable. If I can just get TO IT.)


jen said...

You can DO IT! :) I know you can. On both fronts - it's hard though to not get sucked into the iPhone's addiction. I'm guilty of that, too. I'm also guilty of not putting in the effort I need to in order to get my @ss in shape (or at least my thighs), but I guess baby steps are as good as any, right? But, yes, you can do it! And I think you'll be pretty darn pleased with yourself once you do!

Mimi said...

You already look great LD! IMO, no need to be hard on yourself losing the last 5 lbs. But, I know you can! :) Yes, the addiction... I think I'm passing on my bad habits to M. When I come home, he greets me at the door looking for my iPhone to play Peekaboo Barn. * sigh*