Are you an MTV buff?
Do you remember her? She was the difficult one in the Real World Seattle show. She is currently in the same masters program that I graduated from a couple of years ago. Is it bad to say that I'm sooooo glad that we aren't classmates? I know, I know, the MTV people probably made her look much more irritating than she probably was and she did have Lyme disease. But I can't help it. I just know I would HATE to be in the same class as her. Many graduate students, excuse me, scholars* (and I say this with a smirk on my face) are known for loving the sound of their own voices and having a lot to say about nothing. Obviously, I've had some interesting classmates. Besides, I'm sure I was the type of grad student that pissed off other students with my sarcasm and occasional disdain for off-the-wall theories. (People, think about it - marijuana HAD to be present during the creation of some of these theories.) Anyhoo, what ticked me off the most were the grad students who would talk, talk, talk during class discussions yet didn't read anything assigned! They were completely bull$hiting just because we received credit for participation. She may not be one of those people. Thankfully, I'll never know. (Bad girl! Be nice. Forget all the episodes you saw in your dorm room. But it's so hard! She was a brat back then.)To be fair, this picture is way old. The picture of her now is very cute. I'm just not savvy enough to figure out how to post the original picture that accompanied this article. *I LOVE my alma mater. Overall, I have very fond memories. My professors and most of my classmates were quick witted, thought provoking, and just an intelligent group of people. It's the few that took themselves too seriously and looked down on me (and a few of my friends) for being young and a little kooky. Let me tell you, if I didn't laugh I would have cried all the time. During my second semester, I cried nearly every damn day because I had no idea what I was doing. I questioned my intelligence and academic decisions. Of course, any condescending attitudes fired me up and made me think, "Look bozo. My application was accepted for this program, just like yours. You are NOT the most brilliant person in the room. So bite me." I never said that I was the most mature person :)
I kinda liked Irene. She was waaay too talky, but that whole group was strange. (Remember the one who loved being ON the show more than his GF who was fired for loving him?) And noone deserves to be b-slapped on tv by a punk who doesn't know he's gay.
I don't have cable (shrug shoulders) but the live-in-tater does. BTW she has been super busy with school. Poor thing. I remmeber those days...I'm not looking forward to grad school. =(
Clearly, I need to spend more time watching the Real World. I fear my transition to not-hip is almost complete.
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