Sunday, April 09, 2006

10 random thoughts

1. DAMMIT! Grey's Anatomy is a rerun.
2. I'm a little nervous about starting my new job tomorrow.
3. I'm trying to psych myself up that I start work at 8:00am (I thought it was 8:30am. That 1/2 hour makes a difference in my world.)
4. The Man just reminded me that I blurted, "Bust a nut!" out of nowhere when he was driving. I asked him, "Isn't it synonymous with "Bust a U-turn?"" He said no. Whatever. We should all start using it in that context and it will eventually come around.
5. Is it normal for my shoulder to ache from knitting?
6. I wish I lost those 10 lbs already.
7. I wish I didn't like chocolate as much as I do.
8. I like most babies and kids but I can't stand the bratty ones.
9. Now that I wrote that, I fear my kids will be bratty.
10. I left Target today b/c I couldn't stand the screaming children. They made me nervous and irritated.


Couch potato said...

I use "flip a Dick" it is much better than the formal "make a u-turn"

I hate when Grey's Anatomy is a rerun it makes me sad. And you know it won't come out next weekend because of Easter. *sigh*

demondoll said...

I always thought it was flip-a-b*tch, but I never liked that.
You will be wonderful, you're Firecracker!
No one likes bratty kids. That said, no one thinks their own kids are brats. BTW- my child is damn near perfect;)

Unknown said...

Haha! Bust a nut means something really different in my world. :)

I don't like bratty ones, either. The worst is trying to eat with screaming little kids.

Couch potato said...

I hear ya, trying to eat is the worst, there should be a law that you can't go out to dinner until your child is at least 10 maybe older.

Oh and it really bothers me when people take there children to the movies, damnit I pay good money to watch movie not to hear children ask for a drink or to pass the popcorn 15 times.ARGHH.

Couch potato said...

Yes, please note that my views are subject to change upon the arrival of my own child :) But now I saw whatever the Fuck I want.

Veronica said...

well, lulu we are waiting how did work go??

ElleDee said...

People, people, am I going to have to get the bald security/body guard from Jerry Springer??? :)

My bad! Let me do a quick entry ...