Friday, February 14, 2014

An aggressive assault atop my head.

It's been happening for over 10 years ... but just here and there. Now it seems to be every week, one will stick out as if to say, "Hey! HEY! Here I am. I've BEEN here, actually. You haven't noticed me for months! But here I am now."
On a much more frequent basis, I'm finding these bad boys when I brush my hair in the morning:
Sure, I've been hitting the bottle for almost 20 years. I've had highlights in my hair  since I was 18 years old. Maybe that's why I'm not used to seeing them-I've inadvertently covered the majority of them up when coloring. But now I discover them on a regular basis.
I know I don't look 21. But I think I probably look like I'm in my very late 20s or early 30s. And that's how I feel so aren't I lucky? Sometimes I take it for granted but I'm very thankful for good genes. I know that wrinkles, sagging, saddle bags and other changes will eventually come but perhaps not as fast as it will for others of the same age. I don't have an extensive beauty regiment to stay youthful but I do make an effort because anything helps.
But these gray hairs - nothing is stopping them. Regardless of good genes, there is nothing I can do to prevent their attack. It's like they are meticulous and ever so patient in their strategy to take over my head. I know they're calling in for back up and eventually going to launch an all out war.
Until then, I just have to either pull them out or smother them with dye.

1 comment:

jen said...

I'm in denial about those white hairs. The last time I went to the salon, my hair dresser told me "oh, wow, lots of gray, huh?" and I tried to ignore her. haha :)

Then, I asked her for highlights and color.