Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I need an outlet

That's what The Man tells me.
I've been frustrated with certain aspects of work and The Man says I'm working myself up even more because I don't have hula or yoga. He suggests I go back to hula.
It's a little tricky right now seeing that I need to persuade my parents to puppysit a while longer (to which they probably wouldn't say no, I just don't want them to feel like I'm taking advantage of their kindness.) But he's probably right. I feel like a blob because I am NOT active at all. I don't feel an ounce of attractiveness and I'm so tired that I can only mildly care.
I've been thinking about going back to hula for quite some time and now that I'm putting it out there ("there" being my blog) so I will have to have some accountability to go through with it.
Well, OK then!


Kim said...

This is precisely why I do chorus. I need something that is not work- or home-related, where I can go and have fun, feel like part of a "team" and express myself. Ryan has his motorcycle group. D-doll has knitting group. I used to also do kickboxing class. It just helps to have an "extracurricular activity" to break the monotony of everyday life!

Veronica said...

I agree...I have scrapbooking and the mommy group.
Ethan has gymboree...;)
I say, do what you love the most!

demondoll said...

You gotta do it! I got off the schedule for workouts, and I got so cross. You will feel so much better doing something just for you with a fresh group of faces.
(Also,as soon as Princess Piko is a bit less bitty, you get to take her to doggy park and playdates!)

ElleDee said...

OK! Going to my first hula class (with this particular Halau) on Monday. WIsh me luck! (Will soon continue my knitting group on Wednesdays but might not do that until next month.)

demondoll said...

But how will you knitt my Christmas sweater if you don't start now? ;D