Monday, May 28, 2007


Okay, I hardly ever get tagged for chain whatchamahoos, and then today I got tagged by a stranger (yet fellow knitty head) named V. Here goes -

The rules: Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged need to write on their own blog their own 7 random facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven other people and list their names on your blog. Then you leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

7 Random Facts:
1. I can talk about vaginas and penises all day long but will easily vomit if the topic is about poo. I have my limits. Poo is my limit.
2. I'm bad about keeping in touch or just keeping friends, in general. It's horrible. I'm not good about staying in contact with a person if he/she isn't good about it, as well. I have a low tolerance for crap, to boot. No wonder I'm friendly, I have to constantly replenish!
3. My favorite flower used to be a sterling silver (lavender colored) rose. It was the flower I picked for my prom corsage and I loved it so much. But then I gained an appreciation and affection for cymbidium orchids. My dad grows them in almost every color available and I think they are beautiful.
4. I've been a size 2. I've also been a size 9. For a bridesmaid dress, I think I've been a size 12. But those sizes are just jacked up, in general.
5. I hated my hair when it was short. I chopped it off after my high school graduation. I got my heart broken and made the brillian decision to hack off my hair. I guess it was freeing. It was also ass ugly. I looked like a mushroom top (my hair has a lot of volume.) Or a UFO.
6. The prettiest I ever felt - that I can remember - was during my graduation for my M.A. program. I was just so happy to be done and I think it really showed in my pictures. I wasn't even my thinnest! But I liked almost all the photographs from that day. I guess true joy (and relief) can really show through.
7. I'm better at Power Yoga than I am in Hula. I wish it was reversed. It's just more impressive to be able to dance a hula rather than do a headstand. Except after 10 cocktails. Then I think it's a draw.

My advanced apologies to the following individuals (who will hopefully stay friends with me considering my #2 fact) -
Couch Potato
She is Kim
Two Lips
I swear, it's not that painful and it's kind of fun. Really.


demondoll said...

Well, dang it.
I'll figure out randoms...

Veronica said...

heheh...I don't believe you when you say it's painless. :D

Kim said...

Eek...I have to get used to new layout!