Thursday, July 05, 2007

Love is

cleaning the toilet after your significant other had a terrible two-day bout of diarrhea.
For real.
OK, it wasn't that bad. But still. You know how strongly I feel about shrapnel.


Veronica said...

oh. poor guy! Does he know you shared with the world about his "hershey squirts"?? hehehe. Can hardly wait for the 28th..we get to see you guys!! YIPPEE

ElleDee said...

No he doesn't! So you cannot tease him when we see you at the end of the month!
I'm looking forward to it, too :D Seeing you guys. Not so much the heat but seeing the bride and her wonderful sister! And Albert, too ;)

Veronica said...

hehehe...yeah I will take that blog down...I usually do. after I share the thoughts.

Oh the sister is the oldest. The divorce was hushed..but months after she got back together with him. I straight out told her she needed therapy & that she was crazy.

C said...

Oh girl you said SHRAPNEL!!!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN.

Luckily we date men who are clean MOST of the time.

Man, thats LOVE.

ElleDee said...

I spoke to Jon after I wrote the blog and he informed me that he had cleaned the toilet regularly except for this morning so what I cleaned was just from this morning. Ick. But at least he took care of his business for the most part.

Couch potato said...

hey i give him credit most men wouldn't care they would just let you take care of it for them.

demondoll said...

This is what I get for checking in after dinner :P
I am also not a fan of explosives.. You are the Woman for cleaning up after his "incident", Sister!

ElleDee said...

The asian gender illusionists bore you guys but my boyfriend's bowel movements move YOU to comment?!
I don't know my peeps at all ;)
OK, fine, I'll take a picture and see what y'all say about THAT.
Kidding. Just kidding.
It would be a vomit fest.

demondoll said...

Gak... gak...

Veronica said...

O snaps! just puked in my mouth! :D